Burnt Around the Edges: A Guide to Mastering Stress and Surviving Burnout

Author: Arjuna George


This easy-to-read book highlights decades of real-life experiences as a firefighter and a Fire Chief in BC, Canada. The first-hand accounts outlined in the book highlight how occupational and life stress can dramatically affect our wellbeing. It draws readers through a journey and many lessons from Arjuna’s battle with unease and occupational Burnout. This honest, vulnerable and authentic narrative reassures readers that we can master and harness stress in our lives.

The title of this book, Burnt Around the Edges, comes from the experience Arjuna felt back in the summer of 2020. He found himself at a tipping point of total occupational Burnout. Even though he felt burnt around the edges, he knew he had a massive purpose-driven fire burning deep within him. This fire sparked a life changing transformation in his life and career with a far better understanding of how our bodies react and work under stress.

In Arjuna’s first book you will learn:

– Arjuna’s story from his childhood to the present day
– Strategies and tactics Arjuna used to master stress and recovery from Occupational Burnout
– Tips on how to become more mentally strong and resilient in a stressful world
– The importance of investing in your health and wellbeing to become your most authentic self

The book is Arjuna’s ignition source to a new career path led by a strong and clear purpose in life.

Arjuna wants to share his knowledge and support others to master stress and become more resilient humans. Arjuna’s encore career as a certified coach will enable his skills and experience to support first responders and leaders worldwide.

Print length

140 pages





Publication date

Sept. 23, 2022

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A short description of the various therapist certifications in Ontario.

Clinical Psychologists

Clinical Psychologists are required to complete a related Masters and Ph.D. program to practice in the province of Ontario that must be research-based and subsequently have a thesis component. They are governed by the College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO).

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Registered Psychotherapists

Registered Psychotherapists (RPs) are registered by the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) and, like Registered Social Workers and Clinical Psychologists, are permitted to perform the controlled act of psychotherapy.

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Registered Social Workers

Registered Social Workers (RSW) are helping individuals to enhance their well-being. They are governed by the Ontario College of Social Workers.