
Dr. Katy Kamkar, Ph.D.

the story

About me

I am a clinical psychologist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto and an Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto. I am the Executive Director of the Canadian Association of Fire Investigators (CAFI) and the Chair of Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Association Inc. (GLEPHA), Health and Wellness of Police/ First Responders; and Past Chair of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Traumatic Stress Section. I am also the provincial mental health advisor for St. John Ambulance Ontario’s council.

Overview And Experience

Dr. Katy Kamkar

Honored to be part of Badge of Life Canada

I was awarded the 2022 Canadian Psychological Association  Award for Distinguished Contributions to Public or Community Service.

I have been part of the Federal PTSD Act Advisory Committee, Public Health Agency of Canada, for the development of the PTSD Federal Framework. I was selected and hired in 2019 by the Ministry of Solicitor General as the Mental Health Expert within the Province of Ontario to work with the External Independent Panel to review Canada’s second largest police force, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) culture after a series of suicides of OPP officers. I am also the Medical Practitioner for the Invictus Games launched by Prince Harry, Toronto 2017 and worked with the Service Members and Veterans. I have provided almost two hundred and fifty (250) educational/speaking engagements (municipal, provincial, national, and international) and continues her ongoing education and workshops to Ministries, Universities, Organizations, including First Responders Organizations, and have been invited as an opening and keynote speaker to numerous events on Occupational Health and Safety, mental health and workplace mental health, occupational trauma and disability, and building resiliency pathways at both Individual and Organizational levels.

I make frequent media appearances (National and International), approximately four hundred (400) public relations appearances, and have written almost two hundred (200) non-peer reviewed publications for the public regarding mental health. I have received national and international recognition for my work on trauma and resiliency, moral injury, and on workplace mental health as evidenced through my extensive national and international public speaking and media engagements, work with the ministries and with the House of Commons of Canada, being consulted as a subject matter expert, and refereed publications, book chapters, and non-peer reviewed publications for the public.


A short description of the various therapist certifications in Ontario.

Clinical Psychologists

Clinical Psychologists are required to complete a related Masters and Ph.D. program to practice in the province of Ontario that must be research-based and subsequently have a thesis component. They are governed by the College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO).

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Registered Psychotherapists

Registered Psychotherapists (RPs) are registered by the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) and, like Registered Social Workers and Clinical Psychologists, are permitted to perform the controlled act of psychotherapy.

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Registered Social Workers

Registered Social Workers (RSW) are helping individuals to enhance their well-being. They are governed by the Ontario College of Social Workers.