A variety of resources to help you and your family with your journey.
About Addictions
Alcoholics Anonymous, Alcohol Demotivator Tools at Abbeycare, Addiction Services in Canada. Guides and articles to help you on your way to recovery.
About PTSD
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can occur after someone goes through a traumatic event like combat, assault, or disaster.
Couples Resources
Couples relationship coaching, Couples Hopes (Helping overcome PTSD & enhance satisfaction), and other useful resources for you and your partner.
Family Resources
Family & children camps, books, tips for coping with PTSD in the family, support groups, videos and more.
Law Resources
Legal information for you and your family in relations to Wills, Powers of Attorney, Family Law, Disability Claims (Ontario).
Pain Management
Pain is a normal symptom after an injury. But sometimes, pain does not go away and starts to affect your life.
A number of training programs that may be of interest to you with information about each program.
What is Anxiety
Information about anxiety, what causes it to occur, treatments and how to manage your symptoms can be found here.
What is Depression
Depression is much more than simple unhappiness. Learn about the signs and symptoms of depression.