

At some point in our lives, we all must deal with the loss of someone we love. The loss may come after a lengthy illness, or it may come suddenly… However it happens, we must cope with the person’s absence and deal with our grief.

Transforming Our Grief by Just Showing Up

Working in healthcare for almost 30 years, Yvonne Heath realized that many people are ill-prepared to navigate through grief, heartache and life’s challenges and suffer excessively. But there is a better way. What if we could talk about, plan and prepare for grief BEFORE grief arrives? What if we learned to Just Show Up for ourselves and each other?

First 2 Stages of Grief


Denial is simply refusing to acknowledge that an event has occurred. Often, when we don’t want to face something, we deny that it is happening. Denial is a defense mechanism that’s used to help numb the initial shock of a loss. We tell ourselves that what is happening isn’t happening: We block out the news we are hearing and the reality that is upon us. When life changes in an instant, we tend to want to believe that it isn’t really happening. This is way to deal with the overwhelming emotions a loss brings about. By denying the loss, some of the impact of the initial shock is spread out so that we don’t have to absorb it all at once.
Understanding Denial as a Defence Mechanism


Denial can only last for a while: The pain of reality must eventually emerge. That pain is often manifested as anger. Anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you feel has deliberately done you wrong. We may direct that anger at the person we have lost or at others around us. We may ask questions such as, “why me?” We don’t understand why something so painful has happened. Those of strong faith may be angry at whatever higher power they believe in. Anger is a natural and necessary part of the process. It is what reconnects us with reality, as painful as it is.
The Connection between anger and grief

Grief Edu-Therapy™

One Solution to One of the Most Painful Issues

Grief is the normal human response to loss. Unfortunately there is little information on how to resolve the intense conflicting emotions caused by life events. Edu-Therapy™ Grief Resolution is an easy to use model that reduces and eliminates intense uncomfortable emotional responses to loss, trauma, and abuse. The 4-day Certification Training teaches the most effective process that resolves the pain caused by the conflicting emotions of a meaningful loss.

The Grief Edu-Therapy™ Process is a two-phase cognitive behavioural model that:

  • Rapidly accesses and identifies conflicting emotions
  • Provides concrete easy to use steps that decrease the disturbing emotional intensity
  • Once learned grievers can easily repeat the process on their own or in a clinical setting
  • The Grief Edu-Therapy™ Process moves grievers into the present
  • Teaches healthy emotional coping skills

Grief Edu-Therapy™ Resolution

Two of the most common questions we hear from professionals and caregivers are,
“How can I more effectively help my community or clients?” and “How can I help them help themselves?”

It hurts to lose someone. Find help at GriefShare.

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.

Find a group near you Thousands of groups meeting weekly at locations around the world.

Articles for Coping With Loss

Dealing With Death: Affects of Grief & Loss on Mental Health

Losing a loved one can shake you to your core. There is no greater pain in this world than the pain of losing someone who you cherish with all your heart.
There’s some good news though. The pain will eventually subside, and you will get better!

Dealing With Death, Grief, and Bereavement

From denial to acceptance, there are seven stages in the grieving process, although it’s important to remember that everyone will grieve in their own unique way. Some might go through the stages out of order, while others might spend more time in one stage and less in another. People could experience multiple stages at the same time. There is no single road map to acceptance, but the seven stages of grief offer a valuable outline of what a person can expect to feel when experiencing a loss.

Coping With Loss: 115 Helpful Websites on Grief & Bereavement

Moments of grief occur in everyone’s life. The death of a parent, partner, or especially of a child, can cause almost unbearable emotional pain, and knowing how to cope with that grief is important for ensuring that the emotional distress doesn’t lead to depression or cause deeper psychological damage.

Finding Holiday Joy Amid the Grief

If you’ve lost a loved one or suffered a setback, the holidays can feel hollow. Learn how to experience joy despite it all.
It’s a disappointing truth: Holiday cheer can be difficult to come by if you’re facing emotional pain caused by a loss. But experts urge us to muster our inner strength — to find bits of holiday joy amid the grief.

What is Bereavement and End-of-Life Support?

Grief and bereavement are experienced by anybody dealing with a significant loss in their life. Death is a major emotional crisis and one of life’s most stressful events, and people will cope with their loss differently. Those who work with bereaved people, like end-of-life nurses, often must help facilitate the process of grieving, and to do that, it’s beneficial to understand what bereavement and grief look like for different people.

Written by Brian Greenberg – CEO / Founder of the
Last Updated: December 14th, 2022


A short description of the various therapist certifications in Ontario.

Clinical Psychologists

Clinical Psychologists are required to complete a related Masters and Ph.D. program to practice in the province of Ontario that must be research-based and subsequently have a thesis component. They are governed by the College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO).

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Registered Psychotherapists

Registered Psychotherapists (RPs) are registered by the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) and, like Registered Social Workers and Clinical Psychologists, are permitted to perform the controlled act of psychotherapy.

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Registered Social Workers

Registered Social Workers (RSW) are helping individuals to enhance their well-being. They are governed by the Ontario College of Social Workers.